Designing and running events for young audiences

As a key audience with many facets, young people need special attention. To be able to develop an offer that is tailored to them, it is essential to have a good understanding of their characteristics and needs, but also and above all of the specific characteristics of each age group.

  • OC

  • 9.30am - 5.30pm
  • 2 days

  • 1,150 - Please contact us for preferential rates
  • Cultural mediation officer and cultural mediator
    Educational and cultural action officer
    Owners, directors and managers of public and private heritage sites
  • Saint-Cloud National Estate
  • On-site

  • Basic knowledge of cultural activity management


Objectives - Target skills

  • Understand the characteristics and needs of young visitors according to their age and the context of their visit
  • To know how to put together an appropriate offer

Detailed programme

YOUNG AUDIENCES -Definition of young audiences, their needs and characteristics: babies (0-3 years), very young audiences (4-6 years), young audiences (7-12 years), teenagers (13-15 years) - The benefits of cultural visits for young audiences - How to address young audiences: the characteristics of a successful young audience activity.

BUILDING YOUR OFFER FOR YOUNG PEOPLE-Knowing your audience- Adapting to the characteristics of the site- Evaluating your proposals

SCHOOL AND PRE-SCHOOL AUDIENCES-Before the visit: getting school groups to come and preparing for the visit- During the visit: adapting to the objectives- After the visit

FAMILIES-Definition and statistical data- Needs, characteristics and expectations- Overview of the offer- Welcoming and communicating with families

Methods & Procedures


  • Group work


  • Personalised action plan: group work applied to the problems encountered by the participants and overall assessment.




Assistant to the Head of the Audience Department at the Centre des monuments nationaux

"I've been working at CMN headquarters for two years now, working on the institution's visitor policy and its application within the monuments. "



Family public mediation officer at the Centre des monuments nationaux

"My current job and my previous experience have enabled me to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the needs and expectations of young visitors, as well as the resulting communication challenges. "